We hope you enjoy your visit !

Frequently Asked Questions



FULL PRICE : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . € 5.00
REDUCED PRICE : . . . . . . . . . . .  € 2.00

people aged 18-25 years old, teachers, Cézam card holders, ANCAV-TT (works council association) Network Tourisme et Loisirs 44 card holders, Works Council and partner card holders, Large Family card holders. All people are entitled to the reduced rate one hour before the museum closes.

ADULT GROUP PRICE (applicable for 15 people or more) : . . . . . . . . . . . . € 3.00

  • people under 18 years old
    • job seekers (registered at the Maison de l'emploi (Job Centre))
    • people on basic welfare benefit (French RSA) (with family welfare office (CAF) certificate)
    • disabled persons and their carers
    • people who receive the minimum old-aged pension/pensioner solidarity benefit (ASPA)
    • school, university and socio-educational groups on pre-reserved tours without a guide
    • teachers preparing a school visit or support teachers from the Local Education Office or the Education Authority
    • holders of the Nantes Tourist Office Pass ou the annual museum pass
    • civil-service leisure officer card holders, "Voyage à Nantes" local public service company (SPL VAN) card holders
    • Carte Blanche (under-privileged person) card holders
    • personnel from the Ministry of Culture, scientific personnel from the Museums of France
    • journalists
    • Nantes Métropole Tourist Office guides
    • holders of the passport for tourism professionals issued by the UDOTSI of Loire-Atlantique
    • ICOM (International Council of Museums) card holders
    • French or foreign personalities involved in political, cultural or scientific fields, within the framework of one-off operations carried out by associations and subject to a letter of invitation from the elected representative in charge of culture affairs
    • former resistance fighters, war veterans, disabled ex-serviceman
    • members of the associations linked to the museum (SNOFF, SNP)
For everyone:
    • on the first Sunday of each month from September to June (or the second Sunday if the first Sunday falls on a holiday and the museum is closed)
    • during the "Heritage Days", the "Museum Springtime", the "Museum Night", the "Voyage à Nantes (VAN) Night", or periodic night openings organised by the museum
    • on "Science Day" (Fête de la Science)

Please present a valid supporting document to benefit from a reduced rate or free admission


The annual museum pass

Subcriptions (valid for 1 year) : . . . . . . € 15.00
(Fine Art Museum, Natural History Museum, Jules Verne Museum, Castle of the Dukes of Brittany Museum, Chronographe)


For further information, please call +33 2 40 41 55 00


Historical overview


Before introducing our different spaces, here is a quick historical overview:

Initially, when it opened on August 15, 1810, the Museum was located in a different area of the city. 65 years later, it moved and started to welcome visitors on its current location on August 19, 1875. The building was then adjacent to the former Hôtel des Monnaies that would become, 25 years later, l’École Supérieure de commerce de Nantes (a business school). In 1970, this business school moved, and cleared some space for the Museum. Renovation works were made to join both edifices: classrooms were turned into exhibition rooms and the auditorium was kept to host conferences. As years passed by, various renovations took place, first in the seventies, then between 2008 and 2010.


The gallery of zoology


Since 1875, the gallery of Zoology has been, without a doubt, the most emblematic room of the Museum, partly ensuring its great reputation. It reopened in 2008, after two years of renovation works, providing the public with a new pedagogic and scientific approach, both updated and modernized. One thousand of displayed specimens are now classified according to the Phylogenetic tree.

Don’t miss the “Birds’ mezzanine” where 700 out of the 25,000 specimens of our ornithological collection are displayed, including two extinct species: the Passenger pigeon and the Great auk.

The “orange room”, which used to be the curator’s office, is now a room specially thought for children to enjoy.


The gallery of earth and universe sciences


On the ground floor, the gallery of Earth and Universe sciences is divided into three themes: palaeontology and prehistory on one side, geology and mineralogy on the other, our meteorite collection at the centre of the room. Look out for the green dots: they will enable you to touch stones with your hands and, most importantly, with your eyes. And don’t miss the presentation of the “Black Beauty”, a Martian meteorite.




"Trésors & biodiversité"

The Metropolitan Museum of Nantes is closing for renovation in 2025 and reopening in 2029. The aim is to completely transform the Museum in order to be able to respond to contemporary societal issues (climate emergency, collapse of biodiversity) and call for actions our visitors based on our scientific knowledge.

Before its closing, the Museum discloses its treasures, Nantes' rich heritage, especially the one hidden in its reserves, never seen, seen a while ago or recently acquired ... So, it's all about being amazed through the collections, but also insisting on the fact that the future Museum will give them prominence, as many examples of a new narrative.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I use the cloakroom?
Each visitor can use the lockers freely and free of charge (using a token or a coin). In case of loss or stealing, the Museum cannot be hold for responsible.

Can I access every room with a pushchair?
The Museum was built in 1875, even if renovations are frequently made; it still not totally fits up the twenty-first century’s standard.
For security reasons, pushchairs are not allowed in the vivarium, the ground floor’s temporary exhibition and the peristyle.
Note that you can access the first floor but the lift is reserved to people who need it for medical reasons and won’t be offered to families with a pushchair. To ease your visit, we encourage you to leave your pushchair in the reception hall, in exchange; we can lend you a baby carrier

Is there some content in English?
Yes, you will find some in the temporary exhibitions as well as in both our permanent rooms (the gallery of Zoology and the gallery of Earth and Universe sciences).

Can I leave the museum and comeback with my ticket later on?
Of course you can, as your ticket is valid for the day. Nonetheless, having a ticket won’t prevent you to wait in the line if necessary.
! No entry after 5:30 pm. !

What are the museum’s opening hours?
The museum is open every day from 10 am to 6 pm, except on Tuesdays on daily basis. During Le Voyage à Nantes, it opens from 10 am to 7 pm, even on Tuesdays.

Which way should I go?
There is no imposed way. Indeed, the Museum is made of two floors and five exhibition areas – the two temporary exhibition rooms, the gallery of Zoology, the gallery of Earth and Universe sciences, and the vivarium – it is up to you to visit them in the order you want.

Is there a lift?
Yes but its access is restricted. It is reserved for people with mobility difficulties. Please enquire the staff about it.

Can I take photos?
Of course you can, but they have to be taken without flash.
Do not hesitate to share them on social networks with the #museumnantes

Can I touch?
Exceptionally, you can touch some stones in the gallery of Earth and Universe sciences when the pictogram is green – if it is red, you are not allowed to.

Are there children activities?
Yes there are as we thought the Museum to be accessible and attractive to children. Discover all the activities for children here

Why do I have to wait before visiting the vivarium?
For security reasons, only 19 visitors can simultaneously be in this room. If any medical condition prevents you from standing still, please let the staff know.

Are there restrooms? Where can I find them?
Outside the Museum you can find toilets near the entrances and exits of the building. Inside, toilets are located in the reception hall. If you have any questions, you can contact the reception team.
Useful tip: In French “Where are the restrooms please?” is translated “Où sont les toilettes s’il vous plaît ?.”

Can I eat inside the Museum?
No food or drinks are allowed in the exhibition rooms. Snacks are tolerated in some areas that the staff would be pleased to indicate you if you ask.

Can I breastfeed my baby?
Of course!  If you need anything like a quiet place, please ask the staff.

Is there a souvenir shop?
The museum does not own a souvenir shop but you can buy catalogues and postcards at the information/reception desk.

Are the exhibited animals real?
Yes, most of our naturalised animals are real specimens – if not, you will see the indication “moulage” [casting] on the labels.
The Museum’s collections expanded along the decades. Nowadays, only a few new specimens are acquired, and the legislation is strictly observed to insure the animal and wilderness protection. Most of the time, they come from zoos or farms where they died of natural causes. These new acquisitions are a way to replace damaged items or to fill a gap in our collections.

Can I leave a review somewhere?
You can leave your opinion on Google Maps, as well as on our social networks (InstagramFacebook ou Tik Tok).
Finally, you can however send us your feedback by email (sylvie.le-berre@nantesmetropole.fr)
We regularly check feedbacks and suggestions.

Is there an offer to lower my visit’s price?
According to your situation, buying a pass can be profitable.
If you visit Nantes’ museums more than once a year, do not hesitate to take the "Pass musées"
If you only are in Nantes for some days and want to visit several museums, Nantes tourisme (facing the Château des Ducs de Bretagne) sells passes that gives you access to different sites and to public transportation for 24, 48 or 72 hours.
Good to know: Nantes’ museums are always free for people under 18 as well as for everyone on the first Sunday of the month (except during Le voyage à Nantes).
Learn more here